In my previous blog posts I already covered a few interesting use cases for the Webtask platform. The goal for this post is to lay a foundation that we can use in a next series of posts to do some cool things with Azure Resource Manager.
This is why I want to start by showing a simple sample that allows us to authenticate with ADAL and then call the Azure Resource Manager REST API to list a few resources.
Credentials for the Resource Manager REST API
The easiest way to authenticate is through a Service Principal. There are different ways to create one, but I'll go ahead and use the azure-cli
First we'll need to authenticate in the cli (note that I'm using the --username
parameter because I want to authenticate in my shell with an Azure AD user, not with a Microsoft Account)
npm install -g azure-cli
azure config mode arm
azure login --username something@something.onmicrosoft.com
Then I'll list my accounts (in case I have multiple) and choose my current account. Also take note of the tenantId
because you'll need it later on.
azure account list --json
azure account set e5a1d0a0-c791-...
The next step is to create an Azure AD application for our Service Principal:
azure ad app create --name "Webtask Service Princpal" --home-page "http://mycompany.com" --identifier-uris "http://mycompany.com/webtask" --password A_STRONG_PASSWORD
info: Executing command ad app create
+ Creating application Webtask Service Princpal
data: Application Id: 01199b2a-97a7-43ec-...
data: Application Object Id: c24541a2-d2e1-41c6-...
data: Application Permissions:
info: ad app create command OK
This command will return the Application Id
which we'll need to create the Service Principal.
And now finally you can create the Service Principal and assign it the right permissions (eg: the Contributor
role if you want it to make changes to your account).
azure ad sp create 01199b2a-97a7-...
azure role assignment create --spn "http://mycompany.com/webtask" --roleName "Contributor" --subscription e5a1d0a0-c791-...
azure role assignment list --spn "http://mycompany.com/webtask"
In order to proceed we'll need to gather the following information from the previous steps:
- The Tenant Id (which you got from
azure account list --json
) - The Subscription Id (which you got from
azure account list --json
) - The Azure AD Client Id (the
Application ID
) - The Service Principal Password (the password when you created the Azure AD application)
A simple Webtask
So the goal is that we take this information and send it to a Webtask to have it do something with the Resource Manager API. In this sample we'll just send the info in the querystring, but if you look at my previous blog posts you'll also see how you can use the Encrypted Context of a Webtask to securely store the information.
And here is the code:
"use npm";
"use latest";
const _ = require('lodash');
const adal = require('adal-node');
const request = require('request');
const authenticate = (tenantId, clientId, servicePrincipalPassword, cb) => {
const context = new adal.AuthenticationContext(`https://login.windows.net/${tenantId}`);
context.acquireTokenWithClientCredentials(`https://management.azure.com/`, clientId, servicePrincipalPassword, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
return cb(null, res.accessToken);
module.exports = (ctx, done) => {
let missing_settings = settings.filter((setting) => !ctx.data[setting]);
if (missing_settings.length) {
return done({ message: 'Missing settings: ' + missing_settings.join(', ') });
authenticate(ctx.data.AD_TENANT_ID, ctx.data.AD_CLIENT_ID, ctx.data.AD_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_PASSWORD, (err, accessToken) => {
if (err) {
return done({
message: 'Error authenticating.',
err: err
const options = {
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${accessToken}`
json: true,
url: `https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/${ctx.data.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID}/resources?api-version=2015-01-01`
request.get(options, (err, res, body) => {
if (err) {
return done({ err: err });
if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
return done({
message: 'Error loading resources',
status: res.statusCode,
error: body
// This contains all of your resources.
return done(null, _.take(body.value, 5));
The full code is available on GitHub: https://github.com/sandrinodimattia/adal-azure-resource-manager-webtask
The authenticate
method will use ADAL to get an accessToken
which is then used to make a request to the Resource Manager REST API. We then return the first 5 resources we receive from that API call. That's it.
Now an important thing to note here is the "use npm";
directive, which allows us to require any NPM module out there. It will install any NPM module which is not available in the Webtask platform in real time. This does come with a performance hit, but still it allows us to use any module without having to wait for it to be available in Webtask.
Using the Webtask
So now I can just create the Webtask as follows:
npm i -g wt-cli
wt init
wt create https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sandrinodimattia/adal-azure-resource-manager-webtask/master/task.js --name azure-rm-sample
This will return a url to which I can just append the required settings:
Finally when navigating to this page or calling it from Postman/curl/... I'll see my five first resources:
"id": "/subscriptions/e5a1d0a0-c791-xxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/a0-something/providers/Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/something-adfs",
"name": "something-adfs",
"type": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames",
"location": "westus"
"id": "/subscriptions/e5a1d0a0-c791-xxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/a0-something/providers/Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/something-dc",
"name": "something-dc",
"type": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames",
"location": "westus"
"id": "/subscriptions/e5a1d0a0-c791-xxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/a0-something/providers/Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/something-w5yobqsa",
"name": "something-w5yobqsa",
"type": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames",
"location": "westus"
"id": "/subscriptions/e5a1d0a0-c791-xxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/a0-something/providers/Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/something-adfs",
"name": "something-adfs",
"type": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines",
"location": "westus"
"id": "/subscriptions/e5a1d0a0-c791-xxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/a0-something/providers/Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/something-dc",
"name": "something-dc",
"type": "Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines",
"location": "westus"
Why do this? Well there are many interesting use cases when we start to use web hooks and cron jobs.
Stay tuned for more!